Report It/Request It

General contact to WRS is by our, or telephone: 01905 822799

Many of our pages on our website will give you helpful information and lead to an online form where you can report a problem or request assistance. Please follow the guidance information first, and use these online forms. Below is a drop-down list of the pages where there is guidance and a link to the relevant online form:

Please ensure you follow any guidelines, the link to the Lost Dog on-line form is at the top of our Dog Warden Services page.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines in Step 1 and 2 on our Noise pages which will take you to the on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Domestic Bonfire pages which will take you to the on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Smoke/Domestic Bonfire pages, which will take you to the on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Accumulations/Rubbish pages, which will take you to the on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Light pages, which will take you to the on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Dust/Odour pages, which will take you to the on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Insect and Fly page, which will take you to the on-line form.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Register a Food Business page, which will take you to the Food Standards Agency and their on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Food Complaints page, under Further Information is the Making a Complaint drop-down, which will take you to the Food Standards Agency and their on-line forms.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines, these are on our About Us pages. The guidance and online form is at the bottom of the page in the section Policies and reports under the Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions drop-down box..

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Environmental Information page, which will take you to the on-line form.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines on our Environmental Information page, which will take you to the on-line form.

For general information please see our main Gull Control pages. The sub-pages contain guidance and links to the on-line forms.