Dust and Odour Nuisance
Domestic Premises
Local Authorities currently have no legal powers to address dust or odour problems from domestic premises. If such problems are affecting you you may wish to consider approaching your neighbours on an informal basis, if it is unsuccessful you may wish to consider taking your own private civil action.
Commercial Premises
Is commonly caused by construction and demolition activities and occasionally by industrial premises. If you are affected by dust from commercial activities please contact us using our Commercial Premises Dust and Odour form.
Can be caused by food manufacturers or commercial kitchens for example, extraction system in a fast food outlet that is defective or faulty. If you are affected by odour from commercial activities please contact us using our Commercial Premises Dust and Odour form.
Agricultural odours (muck spreading)
For more information please follow the link to our page about Agricultural Odours (Muck Spreading).