Gull Control

Urban Gull Control - Background

Gulls are a traditional part of the seaside environment, and many people regard them as an integral part of living or holidaying by the sea. However there is concern about their increasing presence in urban areas.

Since the 1940s, some Herring and Lesser black-backed gulls have used rooftops for nesting.

It is not known exactly what prompted this move but a combination of factors is suspected. Nevertheless these species thrive in urban areas as discarded food and intentional feeding provides a reliable source of sustenance, residential and commercial rooftops provide warmth and architectural features and chimneys provide shelter. Along with the presence of streetlights mean they can even feed at night and spend their time in towns all year round.

Further information:

Gull Control in Worcester City

WRS provide support to Worcester City Council, Gull population survey and much more.....

Gull Problems

Information about nuisances caused by gulls, role of Local Authorities, online forms in support of licence applications.....

Protecting your Property

Impact of gulls on your property, gull control options, Gull proofing schemes, online forms.....