Dog Warden Service

Have you lost your Dog?

To report a lost dog contact our Duty Officers at Worcestershire Regulatory Services on 01905 822799 between the hours of 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri. Or use our on-line Lost Dog on-line form.

All stray dogs picked up by WRS Dog Wardens will have their details (breed, colour size etc.) recorded, a duty officer will be able to check if a dog matching the description of your dog has been found in the Worcestershire area or the north Gloucestershire Districts of Cheltenham, Gloucester City or Tewkesbury.

Stray Dogs

Unsupervised dogs are a hazard. They can cause a danger to traffic, they may foul, they may attack people or other animals and they may also get injured or killed themselves. Dog owners can be fined if their dogs are picked up by our Dog Wardens and they can be prosecuted by the Police if their dogs cause a road traffic accident. The Police can also get involved if a dog displays aggressive behaviour to a human or it attacks livestock. However, if a dog attacks someone else’s pet (such as another dog or a cat) then this would be a civil matter between the animals’ owners.


Further information:

Dog owners are legally required to ensure that their dog wears a collar with an identity tag detailing the owner’s name, address and telephone number, in addition it is compulsory that your dog is microchipped and for the microchip details are kept up to date and if you move or change telephone number or if the dog changed ownership. This is a legal requirement.

In most cases dogs seized or collected by the Dog Warden will be taken to the kennels used by the council to board our strays. If the dog is micro-chipped or the owner can be identified, all reasonable effort will be taken to contact the owner or serve a notice where applicable. Once at the kennels the dog will remain there for 7 clear days unless claimed by its owner. If the owner does not come forward and the dog can be re-homed all efforts will be taken to do so. When the owner is identified, they will be required to go to their local council's contact centres as where the procedure for claiming the dog back is started enabling them to collect their dog.

To report a stray dog contact our duty officers at Worcestershire Regulatory Services on 01905 822799 between the hours of 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri.

Outside office hours:

Worcester City  01905 722233

Malvern Hills  01527 910682

Wychavon  01527 912966

Wyre Forest  01562 732225

Redditch and Bromsgrove  01527 67666

Cheltenham  0300 303 8236

Tewkesbury  0300 303 8236

Gloucester  0300 303 8236

We will ask you to keep written records to aid us in our investigation. If you tell us who owns the dog we can also write to them to remind them of their responsibilities. We will seize persistent strays wherever possible.

Contact us on 01905 822799. Our dog wardens can give practical advice on the dog’s home environment and any training that may be required. If you no longer want to keep your dog or are struggling to manage with your dog we can assist you in finding a new home for it.

This is possible, but you must contact us so that we can make all efforts to find the owner. We will complete some paperwork with you, check that you will provide a suitable home and give you any advice you may need with regard to caring for the dog. If we cannot find the owner and they do not come forward, after 31 days the dog becomes legally yours.

Stray dog charges - all districts

Charges applied for dogs seized during the day

(Bromsgrove, Redditch, Malvern, Worcester, Wychavon, Wyre Forest)
Birmingham Cheltenham Gloucester Tewkesbury Solihull North Somerset
Collection charge (1st hour) - - £43 £40 £30    
Collection charge (2nd hour and subsequent hours or part of) - - £43 £40 £15    
Dangerous dog collection (1st hour) - - £40 £40 £40    

Dangerous dog collection (2nd hour and subsequent hours or part of)

- - £40 £40 £20    
Statutory fine £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £25 £25
Administration charge £18 £18 £18 £17 £15 £18 £33
Kennelling fee (per day) £20 £20 £20 £17 £15 £20 £18
Kennelling fee for dangerous dogs (per day) £28 - £28 £25 £20    
Vet or welfare charges Charged at cost incurred Charged at cost incurred Charged at cost incurred Charged at cost incurred Charged at cost incurred    
Treatment At cost.
£13 each for any worming or flea treatment necessary
At cost. At cost.
£14.40 each for any worming or flea treatment necessary
At cost.
£14.40 each for any worming or flea treatment necessary
At cost.
£12 each for any worming or flea treatment necessary
Repeat offender charge £45 - £25 NA NA    
Return charge (9am - 5pm only) £45 - £43 NA



£80 on request

Service of Notice on dog owner - £5 £5 -




Non-microchip compliance   £15      




Authority Admin Fee   £10    





All district

Stray dog charges (Out of Hours) - all districts

Charges applied for dogs seized out of hours

(Bromsgrove, Redditch, Malvern, Worcester, Wychavon, Wyre Forest)
Birmingham Cheltenham Gloucester Tewkesbury
Collection charge (1st hour) £50 - £43 £40 £30
Collection charge (2nd hour and subsequent hours or part of) NA - £43 £40 £15
Dangerous dog collection (1st hour) - - £40 £40 £40

Dangerous dog collection (2nd hour and subsequent hours or part of)

- - £40 £40 £20
Statutory fine £25 £25 £25 £25 £25
Administration charge £18 £25 £18 £17 £15
Kennelling fee (per day) £20 £15 £20 £17 £15
Kennelling fee for dangerous dogs (per day) £28 £20 £28 £28 £28
Out of hours call handling fee (per call) - £5 - - -


Customer Contact Centre Details for Payment of Dog Fees

Cheltenham, Gloucester City and Tewkesbury districts:
Please contact the Duty Officers on 01905 822799 if you wish to make a credit card payment by telephone or will advise you of alternative options available to you.


Worcestershire districts:
Please contact the customer service centre in the relevant districts below