Keep Pets Safe on Bonfire Night Guide
Bonfire night is a fun celebration with fireworks, bonfires and sparklers but these aren’t enjoyed by all members of the family. Both pets and livestock can be frightened by the noise and lights leading to distress and even accidents.
To Keep your animals safe:
- Keep dogs and cats inside during celebrations
- Walk dogs during daylight hours
- Lock cat flaps once cats are indoors
- Try to avoid leaving your pet alone in the house during fireworks
- Ensure dogs and cats are wearing visible identification (animals may try to escape if panicked)
- During fireworks put pets in one room, draw curtains and put on the TV or radio as an alternative noise
- If you think your pet will be seriously distressed approach your vet for advice on sedation or pheromone sprays
- Try to bring outdoor pets (rabbits etc) indoors during celebrations, if not turn hutches to the wall and cover with blankets/duvets
- If you plan to have fireworks and live in rural area alert your neighbours then they can move livestock if necessary.
- By thinking ahead and considering your animals before bonfire night it is easy to take a few simple precautions to keep pets happy and safe.