Other Pollution
For more information, please follow the link to the Health and Safety Executive website contact us enquiries@worcsregservices.gov.uk.
Water Sampling, Private Water Supplies & Drainage
For further information please see our Private Water Supplies page.
Cooling Towers & Evaporative Condensers
All premises where cooling towers and evaporative condensers are situated must register with the local authority under The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations 1992.
The prime purpose of this is to identify potential areas that could give rise to the spread of infectious disease eg. legionella and to ensure preventative measures are taken to eliminate the risk of such infection arising to employees and the public.
Given the right set of circumstances legionella can multiply and cause infection in people who inhale airborne water droplets containing the bacteria.
For this reason all cooling towers and evaporative condensers in premises within the Worcestershire must be registered with Worcestershire Regulatory Services. You can find our current register below.
To register please follow the link to the Registration Form. Or, if you require further advice, please contact us enquiries@worcsregservices.gov.uk.
Information about Legionnaire's Disease is available on the Health and Safety Executive website.