Protect Passengers and Prevent Penalty: Licence Holders Urged to ‘Check their Cabs’

WRS Officers urge taxi and private hire drivers and companies to check their vehicles for faults.
WRS Officers urge taxi and private hire drivers and companies to check their vehicles for faults.

Worcestershire Regulatory Services is advising Taxi and Private Hire Licensees to ‘Check their Cabs’ as unsafe vehicles could result in the loss of a licence.

Across the county, WRS is reminding the taxi and private hire trade that regularly maintaining and servicing their vehicles is key to keeping themselves and passengers safe.

To ensure driver and passenger safety, spot checks have been carried out by WRS Officers in recent months across the county. Some checks have revealed safety issues with licensed vehicles including defective tires, leaking brakes, and fuel leaks.

In some cases, licences have been suspended when vehicles have not been maintained to a safe standard. Action can also be taken against the driver of the vehicle and its proprietor.  A recent case saw a taxi driver’s licence being revoked when their vehicle was subject to a spot check and found to have two tyres in a dangerous condition, with one tyre worn to the extent the tyre cord was exposed.

Simon Wilkes, Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services, has thanked officers for their swift action in protecting the public. He says: “Whilst we understand the majority of licensees regularly maintain their vehicles, we advise that all taxi and private hire owners check their vehicles in case of any faults that could result in a suspended licence.”

For more information, please visit the Worcestershire Regulatory Services website and

social media pages.

About the author

Ellie Ford
