Passenger Safety Drives Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Checks

Passenger Safety Drives Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Checks
Several licensed taxis and private hire vehicles in Redditch had their licences suspended due to failing safety spot checks.
The vehicle spot checks carried out by Licensing Officers from Worcestershire Regulatory Services identified several vehicles that were deemed unsafe for carrying passengers safely.
Three vehicles out of 24 inspected by officers and examiners were found to have defects which included worn tyres, leaking brakes, and fuel leaks. One vehicle was found to have a tyre which was worn to the extent the cord was exposed.
Appropriate steps are being taken in relation to the minority of licence holders whose vehicles were found to be unsafe. Officers are also working with other drivers to raise awareness of how they can keep their vehicles in tip top condition.
Redditch Borough Council’s Licensing Committee Chair Salman Akbar said: “While we recognise the majority of drivers maintain their vehicles correctly, we will not accept passengers being put at risk by the minority.”
“This Council is proud of its excellent licensing policies and procedures which are there to protect residents and drivers alike.”
“We want people who use a Redditch taxi or private hire vehicle to be confident their journey will be a safe one and WRS officers will continue to be vigilant and carry out these spot checks.”
The officers have stated further safety spot checks will be undertaken across the Borough and the County to ensure taxis and private hire vehicles are safe for the public to travel in.
For more information, please visit the Worcestershire Regulatory Services website and social media pages.