Alcohol and entertainment

Bromsgrove District Council -
New Applications & Variations to Premises Alcohol Licences

All new applications and variations to existing Premises and Club Licences are subject to a 28 day consultation period. During this time, the following statutory bodies are consulted;

  • Police
  • Fire Safety Department
  • Development Control (Planning Services)
  • Safeguarding Safety (Child Protection)
  • Community Protection (Noise Nuisance)
  • Business Compliance (Heath and Safety)
  • Primary Care Trust

Representations either in favour or objecting to a licence application must clearly relate to one or more of the four licensing objectives. These are;

  • the prevention of crime & disorder
  • public safety
  • the protection of children from harm
  • prevention of public nuisance

New applications and applications to vary licences currently in consultation appear below.



Applications for a new Premises Licence


There are no new applications that are currently subject to public consultation.


Applications for the Variation of a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate

There are no variation applications that are currently subject to public consultation.


Application for the Review of a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate

There are no current applications for review.




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